Thursday, November 8, 2012

Good News / Bad News

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." Isaiah 55:8-9

We have shared before that much of what keeps me (Scott) busy lately is bureaucracy related to the sale of our mission's property in Quito. Bureaucracy is never much fun, but it's often even more difficult in third-world countries. It is so much a part of life in Latin America that somewhere along the line some Spanish speaker coined a word to be used only in the context of bureaucratic situations. There is no real English equivalent, but trámite basically refers to one step involved in bureaucratic or legal processes. Sometimes it takes only one visit to a government office, but more often it involves several trips and standing in long lines.

Since trámites are pretty much a part of my life lately, I thought I'd let you in on an email I recently sent to my supervisor in Kansas City:

Good News: We finally got the right guy to go out to the property and do an inspection, so what we've been waiting for finally happened.

Bad News: Although we thought it was a no-brainer that the city took some property to pave the street, the inspector concluded that in no way was our property affected by the street. That means that the official answer to the paper work (tramite) we've had in process since (maybe) April is "no". We are convinced that he is wrong.

Good News: We don't necessarily have to accept that answer. There is a process for appealing it.

Bad News: The appeal process would take at least 6 months to a year and be a very detailed and involved fight, showing old pictures, documenting past history, etc.

Good News: During the time we've been waiting for this answer, new city ordinances have been passed making it easier to make adjustments to land titles specifically in regard to the area of property.

Bad News: In order to make use of the new ordinance, we need to start a whole new tramite, beginning from zero.

Good News: Our first step in this process would be a survey of the property, which we already did for the last tramite we are completing.

Bad News: The new tramite will take at least 2 months and we will need to pay a fee of somewhere around $150 to complete it.

Good News: The new tramite will probably take about 2 months and we will need to pay a fee of somewhere around $150 to complete it, which compared to appealing the previous tramite sounds kind of nice.

Bad News: Tomorrow is a holiday, so I can't begin working on the new tramite until next week.

Good News: I hope to get our legal representative's signature today so I will be ready to stand in line first thing Monday morning.

Bad News: I have to stand in line again on Monday.

Good News: This is the end of my news!

There have been a lot of ups and downs with all of these trámites, but we know God's timing is best and the property will sell when it's time for that to happen. In the meantime, just pray for wisdom for me to handle each step of this process in the best way possible.

At the end of October, our support account with Avant dipped into the red. Please pray for God to provide for the financial needs we have. If you would personally like to help, you can send a donation to Avant Ministries to be applied to our ministry account. You may print the following form and send it in to:

Avant Ministries
10000 N Oak Trafficway
Kansas City, MO 64155 

I am sending a donation of $                                       

Please apply it to the account of Scott and Kristi Edgren



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