Thursday, July 4, 2019

Heading Back

Wow, it is hard to believe that our year of home assignment is nearly over! We leave on July 28th. God provided amazingly cheap tickets for our return. Also, some friends already found an apartment for us to move into. It turns out we will have extra room for any of you who would like to visit!

In the meantime, we are on our last road trip. We have been reminded of the blessing of each of our supporting churches as we spend time visiting them! We have also been able to connect with many of our individual supporters. Without each one of you, it would not be possible for us to continue our work in Ecuador. Thank you so much!


It looks like Kristi will be teaching 4th grade math and science this year. Alliance is still needing several teachers for this coming school year! Please pray that God will provide!

Hope Begins

Scott’s book, Hope Begins, continues to sell—a few copies every month. Another missionary who teaches in Mexico City recently contacted Scott after finding the book online. He wants to use Hope Begins as a text for his upcoming course on Biblical Theology. He has agreed to arrange for translation into Spanish in exchange for permission to print a few copies of the book. Scott will have rights to use the translation for his own ministry too. Pray that God will guide the team of translators to produce a good quality work that can be used to faithfully teach God’s Word.

You can find Hope Begins in electronic and paperback versions at either of these two websites:

Kids' Update

One of the hardest parts of going back to Ecuador is leaving all 3 of our boys behind. David and Shelby are getting ready to move from Chicago to San Luis Obispo, California the end of July. They are looking forward to living closer to Shelby's parents. Shelby already has a job as a school nurse. Please pray for David as he interviews and decides between several opportunities.

Joel is working on a painting crew in Spokane. He is enjoying his new line of work. Luke is thriving this summer working as a camp counselor in northern Wisconsin.

Lindsey was able to play basketball in a June summer league. She has also been able to enjoy some cousin time and a visit with a friend from Ecuador who now lives in the States.
Pray for us as we finish up and get ready to transition back to Ecuador. Especially pray for Lindsey as she says goodbye to some very good friends. Pray that we can help her process the upcoming transition in a healthy way.