Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Touching Lives Who Touch Others

Thank you for praying about our opportunities for ministry. I (Scott) had a great time teaching the seminar on Bible study as well as the class in Yaruqui on the Pentateuch. Hopefully the students enjoyed it just as much as I did, or at least feel that they profited from it! It was good to see the commitment of over 20 students in Yaruqui who want to deepen their knowledge of God's Word. Now I have some grading to do.

I wrote last time about being interviewed on television to promote the Bible study seminar. One of the ladies who came because of that interview is someone who has been searching deeply for truth. She has been receiving teaching from Jehovah's Witnesses for about 8 months and wanted to hear another perspective. After the seminar, she approached me asking for help to know what is true. She told me she feels so very confused and pleaded with me to help her. I am amazed at the opportunity God has given me to open his word to her and her family. For the last several weeks I have been meeting with Patricia and her daughter, Denise, to study together what the Bible teaches. Their misunderstandings are deep-seated, but we have been making slow progress. They have a ways to go, but they are open and still searching for the truth. Last week, Patricia's husband, Victor, also joined us for part of the time. I think he is becoming more open as well. Please pray for spiritual understanding for this family, especially if you think of it on Wednesday evenings while we are meeting.

I am also thankful for increasing opportunities for discipleship—both with Spanish speakers and with people attending our English-speaking church in Quito. Pray for me to have wisdom to lead others who are searching for ways to deepen their relationship with the Lord. Also pray that this ministry will be multiplied through these people reaching out to others as well.

Each semester at Alliance Academy we have Spiritual Emphasis Week. This year with our elementary students, our theme was "Missionary, That's Us".  For many years, Ecuador has had missionaries come to their country, but we spent the week looking at how we can be missionaries right now. Following this week, one of my 6th grade students asked me for a Bible. He is from China and his family believes that there are many different gods in many different religions. Scott went out and bought him an English Bible. Please pray with me that as he reads it, God will open his heart and help him understand the One True God who gave his life for him.

We are glad to have David coming to visit us next month for Christmas! Work and life are going well for him, and it will be good to spend some time together for a couple of weeks. Luke and Lindsey are doing well with sports and studies. Joel continues to live at home with us as he decides what his next step will be. Pray for each one of our children to thrive in their respective circumstances.

Missions Conference
This weekend I (Scott) will be participating in a missions conference in a church in Ambato. Pray that God would guide me to give a practical challenge that encourages the Ecuadorian churches to be involved in missions with both vision and realism.

You can help us fulfill our ministry by making an online donation to Avant Ministries here, or by printing this donation form for mailing in with a check. Thank you for all the prayer and financial support you give!

Friday, September 19, 2014

Fifth Grade and Five Books

New School Year
Kristi and the kids started a new school year at the beginning of the month. Kristi's responsibilities have changed a little this year, as she is teaching only Math to both 5th and 6th graders. One of the advantages is that she can focus on only one subject. The biggest challenges have been learning to know 75 students and sometimes grading that many papers in one day! Join us in praying that she could get more help with her grading—maybe from a high schooler teacher's assistant.

Theological Education
I will be teaching a seminar this weekend in a local church close to here. It will be Friday evening and all day Saturday. The church posted this promotional poster on Facebook:

I will be teaching about how we can do a better job of studying the Bible for ourselves and to prepare for ministry. The pastor asked me to promote the seminar on our local Christian television station, so I was interviewed on live TV last Friday.

Pray that God will bring the people who need to hear the message he's given me. And pray that I will be able to adjust well to whatever mix of people come.

Next week I will be teaching an intensive 5-day course on the Pentateuch (the first 5 books of the Bible) in Yaruquí. This is a new branch of the seminary located in Riobamba. The nice thing for me is that it is a lot closer to home—just about an hour and a half away. I really enjoy this particular course and am looking forward to presenting it to a new group of students. Pray that they will also find it beneficial.

Although I'm thankful for the chance to do more teaching than I have for a while, it's partly due to some delays in the area of property issues. There are some beaurocratic steps that I've been trying to push forward, but they are dragging out for months. Please pray that our legal representative will be able to take the steps necessary to get them finished up. Also pray with me about some decisions that need to be made regarding some legal and administrative issues. There are several complex issues that I am wrestling with right now for which I need wisdom.

Our account with the mission dipped slightly into the red last month. If you can help with some extra giving, it would be beneficial to us right now. You can help us fulfill our ministry by making an online donation to Avant Ministries here, or by printing this donation form for mailing in with a check. Thank you for all the prayer and financial support you give!

Thursday, July 24, 2014


We finished our 200 day school year! 
But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you,
for my power is made perfect in weakness.”

I finished my first year of teaching! In many aspects it was a challenging year with so much to learn.  Many times I have asked God why he has called me to teach. Little by little he has taught me that it really isn't about me but all about Him. God has in a new way opened my eyes to how he has always chosen to use ordinary people. David was only a shepherd boy but God chose him to be King. Mary was just a young, ordinary girl whom God chose to be the mother of Jesus. Joseph was a slave but God used him to save many lives from famine. Moses didn't think he was qualified to lead the Israelites out of Egypt but when he obeyed, God was able to do mighty things.  Just like Moses I need to choose to obey.

"I have to keep taking my eyes off my limitations and remember He is not limited. I have to remember that He has always delighted to use, not strong people, but empty people through which His strength can be demonstrated."
--Kelly Crawford

Praise the Lord for helping my students and I "overcome" this year. I am thankful that I love what I'm doing and am so thankful for each one of my 6th graders! We have some fun 6th grade traditions at Alliance for the end of the year. The 6th grade play is one of those. This year we presented the musical “Spend a While on the Nile”, covering the stories of Moses and Joseph. Another tradition is 6th grade graduation. It was a fun celebration sending them on to middle school.

We loved having David visit us along with 8 of his friends from Wheaton. It was quite a house full, but it was fun to get to know a few of his friends. He started a job in civil engineering when he returned to Chicago the end of June. He's been living with Scott's sister the past month. He and a friend will be moving in to a new apartment at the beginning of August. Praise God for helping him overcome the challenges of beginning a career!

Theological Education
Scott will be teaching next week in Riobamba. A few years ago, Alberto Copa founded Seminario Teológico Peniel, and his first class of 6 is receiving their diplomas. They are planning a week of celebration with different workshops and speakers. Scott will be teaching a class on Biblical Themes That Point to Christ. Our Savior is the one who truly makes us overcomers!

Scott met with Alberto to talk last week and catch up with him. He was here in Quito to get a visa for the US. He is planning on visiting New York and various Quichua churches that have started there. He wants to be able to encourage these churches and help them maintain Biblical doctrine. This is news of huge importance and we are praising the Lord for granting him the favor needed to receive a visa! You can read more about the Quichuas in New York by following this link. Pray that God will help them overcome the challenges to faithfully following him.

Alberto also shared with Scott how his seminary has grown. He is getting ready to open the 5th site this fall and has asked Scott to help with the teaching there since it is only about an hour from Quito. The Babahoyo seminary has also asked him to teach another section of Greek. Pray for wisdom for Scott to overcome the ever-present limitations of time!

We celebrated our 25th anniversary in July. It's hard to believe we have been married for that long. We were able to get away for a night. After a busy and long school year, it was nice to be able to spend some time together. We praise the Lord for keeping our marriage strong to overcome all the challenges of life!

Luke and Joel had the opportunity of translating for a short term mission team from Texas. The team spent the afternoons teaching a group of kids how to play flag football.

Luke is also in the middle of translating for two more mission teams who are here with Compassion International. These two groups are in Quito working at a church. They've been doing vacation Bible school as well as various construction projects. Last week the team was from Florida and this week they are from Alabama.

You can help us fulfill our ministry by making an online donation to Avant Ministries here, or by printing this donation form for mailing in with a check.

The same Man, the Great I Am
The one who overcame death
Is living inside of you
So just hold tight, fix your eyes
On the one who holds your life
There's nothing He can't do
He's telling you
You're an Overcomer

Click here to watch a musical presentation by Quichuas in New York City.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Achieving Mountains by Steps

One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much, and one who is dishonest in a very little is also dishonest in much.

Achieving Mountains by Steps
Our son, Luke, has developed an interest in mountain climbing. In the past few months on some days off we've made some attempts at several mountains with varying degrees of success: Pichincha, Rumiñahui, Sincholagua and Pasochoa. Although we haven't always made it to the top, in every case we've felt pretty happy about what we actually did achieve. The funny thing about hiking is that it really doesn't involve any colossal advances (at least at our level of skill); it's all about taking one more step—something we're used to doing every day. And then in the end when we step back and look at where we went, we realize that somehow all of those little steps add up to one big accomplishment.

For almost all of us, all of life is a lot like that. If we wait to act until the big moments come along, we'll probably never actually do anything of significance. Success depends on taking a whole bunch of seemingly insignificant little steps, that somehow add up to something of value.

 As I reflect on the past few months in my life, I can see some distance has been covered, even though sometimes entire days felt like a fruitless exercise in meaninglessness. I hope that you also have the chance to periodically step back and see how God often chooses the little things we do and turns them into mountains of significance. At the end of our life we want to be able to see the great things God has done through us, but most of us will see nothing unless we do a whole lot of seemingly inconsequential tasks to get there.

The property of the mission in Macuma has been split into seven different parts to be donated to nationals who will be able to make better use of it. Since I last wrote, I took a trip to Macas to help complete the signing of the papers. The transaction is complete in six of these cases, but the seventh is still to be done, due to a big delay in that part of the paperwork. Pray that it will be completed in God's timing.

Because property issues have involved a lot of waiting lately, I've been able to spend some extra time in discipleship. It's been very meaningful to be involved in a few people's lives on a deeper level. A week ago Sunday was a real cause for joy as I was able to see Cristian's baptism. Just a few months ago he was a little unclear on the truths of the gospel, but now he is boldly proclaiming his faith and a desire to grow in Christ.

Sixth Grade
Kristi's teaching ministry has been full of challenges, but also very rewarding. Please pray that God will work in the lives of her sixth graders bringing them closer to Him. Pray for wisdom for Kristi in dealing with some difficult issues in the class. Pray as well for stamina for Kristi and her students as they finish a little more than one month of school. Included in this will be the annual 6th grade play and 6th grade graduation as well as lots of other year-end activities.

World Race
A few weeks ago we found out that the daughter of one of my high school classmates would be coming through Ecuador on the World Race—a missions trip to 11 countries in 11 months. We have enjoyed getting to know Jaide and connecting with her team, a great group of young ladies! Even though we only played a small part in their time here, we had some thoroughly meaningful times together. You can see Ecuador through Jaide's eyes by visiting her picture blog here. Pray for this team as they move on to Panama this week.

We are very proud of David for his recent graduation from Wheaton College. Kristi was the only one who still had not visited Wheaton, so she took a quick weekend trip to attend his graduation. The rest of us will get to see him when he comes to Ecuador for a visit in June. He'll be bringing several college friends with him, so we'll have a houseful, but we expect it to be a lot of fun. We're especially excited about getting to know his girlfriend, Shelby, a lot better. We are already convinced that she's a great gal! When David returns to the US, he will begin his new engineering job in Wheaton at the end of June. Praise the Lord with us for working so clearly in David's life to provide everything he has dreamed of for years.

Thank You!
Thank you to each one of you who responded to our need for support around the beginning of the year. God has met all our needs through you, and we want you to know that we appreciate your generosity. Whether you give a lot or a little, it all adds up to a “mountain's worth” of God's faithfulness to us!