Joel seems to be adjusting fine to life in Chicago, but he is still looking for a job. Pray that God would give him wisdom to know where to look, and that he would find the right match.
Although most of you are enjoying the changes that come with summer vacation, we haven't quite made it there yet. The school year here is winding down this week. Luke and Lindsey are anxious to have a few weeks off, and Kristi is looking forward to a break from teaching. This school year for Kristi has been full of challenges and joys in her Math classroom.
Luke and Lindsey were both part of some dramas at school this spring. Luke played the part of Lysander in A Midsummer Night's Dream.
Excerpts of Luke's part in A Midsummer Night's Dream:
Lindsey is excited about a three-week drama camp that she is enrolled in for the summer.
Luke has plans to help with summer school and some summer missions teams that are coming to Ecuador in the next weeks. Pray for meaningful ministry and growth for Luke.
Scott helped fill in for one of the Bible teachers at Alliance a couple of weeks ago. He taught a week of classes on the book of Revelation. The passion of his students for learning was contagious! It's also been great to see steady growth in the members of his Bible study. There have even been some new people coming, some more regularly than others. Continue to pray for this ministry.
We have also seen progress on property issues. The Makuma property is now entirely transferred to the national church. The Chillogallo property has also been moving forward by little steps. Scott has also done a little extra work lately to help a fellow missionary couple with renewing their visas.
Scott has had some discomfort in his ankle for over two years. Since it didn't seem very serious we didn't work very hard to figure out what it was. But since it wasn't getting any better he finally saw a specialist and learned that he has Osteochondritis Dissecans. He needs surgery to repair damage from a small fracture of the talus. The surgery itself isn't very intrusive, but in order to promote healing of the cartilage, Scott can't use that foot for 6 weeks afterwards. He'll be in a cast and using crutches for most of the summer. His surgery is scheduled for June 30 and he'll be quite dependent on the rest of the family until school starts again. Pray for patience for everyone, and healing for Scott's ankle.
Faithful Servants
Two faithful women of God who served as missionaries in Ecuador passed away this month: Elizabeth Elliot
and Marian Reed.
Elizabeth was much more well known than Marian, but they both left a huge impact with their lives. It's a good reminder that we all can make a difference simply by being faithful in the situation where God has placed us.
Active Volcanoes
Both Pichincha and Cotopaxi have shown recent dramatic increases in volcanic activity. Obviously no one knows when these two mountains will have their next big eruption. Pray for wisdom for scientists who are monitoring and for protection of human life and property.
Unrest in Ecuador
President Rafael Correa has plans to implement some controversial financial policies in Ecuador. This has resulted in some significant protests during the last week. They are difficult issues that are hard to sort through. Pray for peace in Ecuador, wisdom for leaders, and for God's people to have a great influence in all levels of society.
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