Sunday, December 24, 2017

Christmas: Celebration of Birth!

Christmas Eve

What better way to celebrate Christmas? This year at our church in Quito I had the incredible experience of baptizing two young ladies on Christmas Eve! Changed lives is the real “Reason for the Season.”

Jesus came to earth to defeat sin, death and evil, and he wants to give us peace with God.

Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 5:1

Jesus’ birth 2000 years ago made it possible for us to celebrate a new birth today for Xamara and Milena.

Our worship was made even richer by contributions by people from all over the globe. We had scripture readings in other languages and special music in Persian from some people who sacrificed much to follow Jesus and leave their home in Iran. It’s times like this when we’re especially thrilled to see how Jesus is building his church from every tribe, people, language and nation!

Pastors in Cajabamba

I few days ago I had the privilege of teaching a theology workshop to some pastors in Cajabamba. I’ll be returning once a month for a while. Pray for another good class on January 9.

White Christmas

We are taking advantage of the break in school to enjoy a vacation this week. We’re already dreaming of a white Christmas—white, that is, from the sea foam rolling off the breakers on the beaches of the Pacific Ocean! Next time maybe you can join us at Punta Arena; we recommend it!

Merry Christmas!

Monday, November 20, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving!

Financial Need

We are very thankful for those of you who sent a financial donation to Avant Ministries last month. It was helpful to meet the financial need we are facing right now. Nevertheless, as of November 1 we still have a deficit of $2600 in our account. If others of you are able to make an extra gift it would be a tremendous help. You can make an online donation to Avant Ministries here, or print this donation form for mailing in with a check.

Joel’s Studies

Our son, Joel, is currently studying at Moody Bible Institute in Spokane, WA. Just a few days ago we were surprised to learn that Moody will be closing their Spokane campus at the end of this school year. Pray for Joel to have wisdom about the next major step in his life. Currently he is not planning to continue his studies for second semester.

Hope Begins

Are you looking for gift ideas for Christmas? Let me recommend an eye-opening and inspiring book that points to the biblical text. You can find more information about Hope Begins online at either of these two websites.
Of course, there are a ton of other books that would also make good gifts. What could be better for someone who likes to read than a stimulating study of God’s Word?


On Saturday I finished teaching a course on biblical Greek at Seminario UMEP. Even though we kept it very basic and introductory, it was quite challenging for my students. They will never be Greek scholars; but their eyes were opened to a whole new world of study. I believe their respect for God’s Word has deepened a little; pray that they will study it with a renewed vigor. I was especially encouraged by one student’s attitude. He was struggling the most to understand the concepts, but he cared enough to come to our house for extra tutoring. He says he plans to come again in the next few days even though the class is over.


We’re looking forward to celebrating Thanksgiving at our house with several other Americans. One of the things we are most thankful for is YOU! Thank you for standing behind us in our ministry!

Friday, October 6, 2017

Road to Reconciliation


I don’t particularly like meetings, but sometimes they’re important. Last week I had one that was exceptionally important. A local pastor called me to ask if I could help him restore a relationship with another pastor in Quito. As it turns out they haven’t been speaking together for about a year and a half. I invited both of them to come to a meeting in our house. Each of them invited a few others to come along, making it a total gathering of 9 people. The issues are complicated and so far we are only about halfway done, but at least we saw progress. Everyone handled the matter in a calm and Christ-like manner. After about 3 hours of discussion we felt ready to enjoy food together instead! Pray for these two men as they continue to work on mending their relationship.


We did a lot of traveling this summer to visit supporters, and now we’re paying the price. Our account with Avant Ministries is significantly in the red. If you are able to make an extra financial donation to Avant, it would help us tremendously at this time. You can make an online donation to Avant Ministries here, or print this donation form for mailing in with a check. Thank you for all the prayer and financial support you give!

Studies for Juan

One man I have been working with would really like to dig deeper in his education. We discovered that Dallas Theological Seminary is now offering a fully online seminary education in Spanish. Juan decided to apply and see what would happen. Both the finances and the academic expectations could be significant barriers for him. He finished the main application this week. Pray for the details to fall in to place if this is what God has for him.


Tomorrow I begin teaching another class of Biblical Greek. Pray for my students to be encouraged about doing the hard work so they can eventually see it pay off. Pray too for the ministry of Seminario UMEP.

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Back to "Normal"


Am I the only one who wonders what normal really is? I’m not sure if I (Scott) ever have a normal day because every day brings its own challenges in a unique way. Nevertheless, the past few days have been a lot closer to normal than some.

Eclipse watching with the Edgrens

Home Ministry Assignment

We were in the US for July and August to connect with family and supporters. If we’ve learned anything about home ministry assignment it’s that our lives there are very abnormal. Busy? Yes, but busy with some very enjoyable activities. We got to see a lot of people that we love spending time with. The time was too short, and many of you can attest to the fact that we didn’t see everybody. Next time we’ll get to include others.

Helping Mom

You might remember that my mom struggles with serious mental illness. In the last four years she has done much better, but the last few months have been another low period for her. It was stressful to face her challenges this summer, but in some ways less stressful than being too distant to be able to help. We are thankful for good teamwork as a family and the help of professionals which enabled us to make some changes in her life structure. Please pray with us that her medication and the intervention of professionals can help bring her back to her normal state.

Studies for Juan

A friend of mine named Juan is a Quichua pastor in Quito. He would like to further his education, and I’m helping him explore possibilities for doing some online theological study. The option he is most attracted to would be a big stretch for him academically and financially, but it is an excellent program of study. Pray that Juan finds clear direction. Pray that if he isn’t accepted even that would be a learning opportunity.

Discipleship for Miguel 

Another brother in Christ whom I’ll call Miguel is from Venezuela. You probably know that life has been far from normal there in recent years. Miguel previously came to Ecuador for a few months to look for better opportunities. He is planning to return to Ecuador in a few weeks. Last time he was here we developed a close relationship for discipleship. Pray that if it’s God’s will he would be able to make his trip to Ecuador and that we would be able to share more time together in productive spiritual growth.

Hope Begins

One of the highlights of this summer was the privilege of carrying copies of my book, Hope Begins, to many of the places we visited. I was encouraged to see significant interest. Each chapter demonstrates in a unique way that Jesus Christ is God’s perfect solution for this world. Chapter 4 discusses his role as our perfect priest, which goes way beyond the duties of a normal priest.

If you’d like to purchase the book there are options online. The best value for paperback can be found at

The cheapest electronic format is the one for Kindle at


School is now in full swing. Kristi enjoys being back in the classroom. She is especially pleased at how quiet and respectful her students are this year. Luke is in his senior year and heavily involved in student leadership. Lindsey started junior high this year and is experiencing a new normal for her daily structure. I will be involved as president of the parents’ committee for the Senior class.


I will be teaching a Greek class again in October at Seminario UMEP. We will meet every Saturday beginning on September 30. I expect the biggest challenge will be convincing these students to do their work, but I have a couple of new ideas in the works. (My students might be a little surprised!) Above all else, pray that the class will inspire a greater passion for studying God’s Word. Pray that God would guide in the details of this and each of the other ministry opportunities that are a part of our normal life back in Ecuador.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

A Break to Bring Books

Seminario UMEP
Most of you know that one of my favorite things to do is to guide a classroom of students to discover the messages in God’s Word. Unfortunately teaching is sometimes accompanied by less desirable tasks as well. One of the tasks for the last several weeks has been to attend several organizational meetings. I’ve been meeting with a group of Quichua believers from South Quito to consider the structure of their seminary and the classes that should be offered. Seminario UMEP has been operating for a handful of years, but the number of students is down and they feel the need for a fresh direction. Our meeting on Monday was the last before our family heads to the US this summer. We have developed a good basic structure for the seminary; pray for continued successful planning in my absence. I’m tentatively scheduled for teaching another class in October. I’m sure that will be a lot more fun!

The school year is finally over! Kristi, Luke and Lindsey are really happy for that! Luke and Lindsey finished on Thursday and Kristi finished yesterday.

Ecuadorian schools celebrate graduation from sixth grade since seventh is the beginning of secondary school. We are proud to announce that Lindsey graduated on Wednesday! This year has been especially meaningful since she had her mom as a teacher for Math and Science. Next year will be the first time in 20 years that we don’t have a child in elementary school!

Summer Plans
Early tomorrow morning we travel to the US. We’ll be there about seven weeks to connect with some of our supporters and to see family. We look forward to seeing many of you. Here’s where we’ll be spending a good chunk of our time.
·         Kansas City
·         Chicago, IL
·         Kokomo, IN,
·         Holdrege, NE
·         Newton, KS
·         Central Missouri
·         Omaha, NE

Hope Begins
I am excited to announce the release of my first book called Hope Begins. It shows how the entire Bible points to Jesus Christ. He is the basis for everyone’s hope—in the Old Testament, the New Testament and even our current hope for the future. It is available in paperback and electronic versions. You can find more information or buy a copy at either of these two websites:

Sunday, May 21, 2017

God Breaks into History

God Changes History!
Our God is amazing. He is carrying out a plan to change history and create a people who reflect his own glory. Tomorrow I have the privilege of preaching on Titus 2:11-14 and proclaiming the wonderful strategies of the Lord. Paul shows us that God breaks into history, removes rebellion, and claims a people as his treasure. Pray that I can present these truths in a Christ-honoring way tomorrow. Wherever you find yourself tomorrow, I hope you also have the joy of seeing God’s character and actions through his Word.

Thank you for your prayers for our two recent conferences. The conference on biblical counseling was very practical. Many were impacted by the practical truths in God’s Word and the way they can be used as tools for problems we face in our lives. The pastors’ conference was a great opportunity to dig into theological truths and think about them on a deeper level. We spent the most time considering several facets of the gospel and how they impact our position as Christ’s followers. My hope is that these leaders will be better prepared to present truth in their various ministry opportunities.

Ministry Trip
First Baptist Church in Newton, Kansas is in the planning stages of sending a team to do ministry in Ecuador. Early next month three team leaders will be here for a few days to work on those details. Pray that we can use the time well and develop plans that will prove to be very useful for the upcoming ministry experience.

Sixth Grade
Our school year continues until the end of June. Kristi is entering the busiest time of year in her sixth grade classroom. Pray for details related to the sixth grade play, graduation, and end of year activities. Praise the Lord for the growth she has seen in her students this year.

Summer Plans
We will be back in the US again this summer—from July 2 until August 23. We hope to connect with many of you—especially those we didn’t see last year. Pray for wisdom in planning our schedule, and pray that the time would be helpful for increasing our financial support.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

April Showers and Work that is Ours

Greetings from rainy Ecuador. Thankfully we live on the side of a mountain; otherwise it feels like I might have to write this while treading water! We are currently in one of the strongest rainy seasons of the past several years. Peru and Ecuador are paying for it with flooding, lost lives and damaged property. The consequences for our family are very small compared to those who live on the coast, but we haven’t been untouched. Homes in Quito are not heated, which generally isn’t a problem, but lots of rain means less sunshine. In the past month our inside temperature has been as low as 61 degrees. Combined with a strong flu virus that has been going around, that may have been a factor in Kristi coming down with pneumonia. She spent 3 nights in the hospital a few days ago and is still on the mend. She’s close to full recovery but still needs a lot of rest. We’re thankful that she and the kids have a break from school for Easter week. Pray for health for Kristi. Even more significantly, pray for people on the coast who are experiencing even more serious problems during this time.

Scott's Teaching
Last week I finished grading for the last class I taught in Machala. My work there is done for now, but my burden for the students is not gone. They continue to study in other classes with other professors. Pray that God would continue to mold their lives to prepare them for even greater leadership and ministry.

I will be translating for an upcoming conference on biblical counseling in Latacunga, April 18-23. Pray that my study beforehand would be effective in preparing me to present the concepts clearly in Spanish. Pray that the conference will equip servants with new skills for guiding hurting people through life. Pray for God’s care over the rest of the family while I am away from home for a few days.

On May 6 and 7, I will be teaching a weekend conference for Quichua pastors in the Chillogallo area. Pray that God would lead me to prepare precisely the material that these pastors need right now.

Ecuador held a presidential election on April 2. Recently we’ve seen a lot of political tension as the results are evaluated. The options were very polarizing for this election. (Sound familiar?) Accusations of election fraud have been flying back and forth and small demonstrations have been common. Pray that the situation can soon be resolved, that peace would prevail, and that God will accomplish his will through the next president of Ecuador.

Luke participated in a drama at school last week called “I Never Saw Another Butterfly.” It was a very moving portrayal of the Holocaust. We are proud of him and all our kids. Pray for God’s continued work in each one of their lives.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Touching Lives

There sure has been a lot of talk about politics lately. Just when the news coming out of the US was calming down, the Ecuadorian political scene was heating up. A few days ago we had the first round of a big election in Ecuador. Believe it or not, Ecuadorian politics is currently at least as divisive as the last US election, and in some ways even more so. If you want to learn more, you can probably find better information online than what I could write about it. Let me just ask you to pray for peace in Ecuador and for God’s will to be accomplished.

Touching Lives
True ministry touches people’s lives, and It’s been good to see God at work that way in several situations. Please pray for a couple of young ladies that I recently introduced to each other. My hope is that one can have a significant impact on the spiritual life of the other. Pray for an elderly gentleman with whom I hope to soon have a deep conversation about his spiritual condition. Pray for the right opportunity for me and a soft heart for him. Pray for a seven-year-old girl whom I recently visited in the hospital. Pray that she recovers fully from pancreatitis and for encouragement for her family.

Alliance Academy
Alliance Academy has had a rocky past few months in regard to finances and accreditation in Ecuador. Just a few days ago we got a letter from the director with good news in both areas. Praise God for his work in and through this school. We are very thankful that Luke and Lindsey can attend a school like this. Kristi continues to find ministry at Alliance fulfilling. Please pray for lives to continue to be influenced for Christ at the academy.

Joel’s studies are going very well at Moody. Pray that his second semester will be as successful as his first! We would also appreciate prayer that he could find a job that would be a good fit for him.

I have begun to grade the assignments from the class I taught in Machala. For me grading is the least favorite part of teaching. Pray that I can finish it efficiently and that it will be a positive part of the learning experience for my students.

English Fellowship Church
Last Wednesday I enjoyed a retreat with the other elders of our church to plan for the next year. God is doing very significant things at English Fellowship Church and it’s a joy to be part of the leadership there. Pray for us to grow in our ability to impact people from all over the world who attend. Pray as well for Ecuadorians who are encountering Christ and learning to serve him through the local church. Pray for North Americans who have unique opportunities to cross several cultural barriers every week.

Support Change
We recently received word that one of our major supporters will be discontinuing their financial donations to Avant Ministries on our behalf. We are faced with the need of raising some additional support. Please pray with us for God to provide this need.