Friday, October 6, 2017

Road to Reconciliation


I don’t particularly like meetings, but sometimes they’re important. Last week I had one that was exceptionally important. A local pastor called me to ask if I could help him restore a relationship with another pastor in Quito. As it turns out they haven’t been speaking together for about a year and a half. I invited both of them to come to a meeting in our house. Each of them invited a few others to come along, making it a total gathering of 9 people. The issues are complicated and so far we are only about halfway done, but at least we saw progress. Everyone handled the matter in a calm and Christ-like manner. After about 3 hours of discussion we felt ready to enjoy food together instead! Pray for these two men as they continue to work on mending their relationship.


We did a lot of traveling this summer to visit supporters, and now we’re paying the price. Our account with Avant Ministries is significantly in the red. If you are able to make an extra financial donation to Avant, it would help us tremendously at this time. You can make an online donation to Avant Ministries here, or print this donation form for mailing in with a check. Thank you for all the prayer and financial support you give!

Studies for Juan

One man I have been working with would really like to dig deeper in his education. We discovered that Dallas Theological Seminary is now offering a fully online seminary education in Spanish. Juan decided to apply and see what would happen. Both the finances and the academic expectations could be significant barriers for him. He finished the main application this week. Pray for the details to fall in to place if this is what God has for him.


Tomorrow I begin teaching another class of Biblical Greek. Pray for my students to be encouraged about doing the hard work so they can eventually see it pay off. Pray too for the ministry of Seminario UMEP.