Sunday, July 8, 2018

Shifting Gears


With shifting responsibilities comes the need for adaptation. We're especially thankful for the variety of gears we've been able to use in these days!

School's Out!

The month of June was a crazy month as we finished off the school year, full of lots of memories as we look back. Thanks for praying for the 6th grade play! It turned out well and we pray that God continues to bring the songs to mind and makes himself real to each of the kids.

I, Kristi, had the privilege of attending the baptism of one of my students and hearing him declare his faith in Jesus. It was a privilege watching him overcome some anxieties this year and how God used him to begin to reach out to his classmates.

Another highlight in the classroom during June was listening to one of my students teach a group of his friends about the book of Revelation. I'm so thankful for God's work in my students this year.

On June 30th Luke graduated from Alliance Academy International. We are so thankful for each of the teachers he has had through the years who poured into his life. Also we want to thank God for all he has done for Luke and his commitment to be a faithful servant of the Lord.

We sent Luke off this past week to stay with his Grandma Della in Newton so he can work a few weeks till he leaves for college. He'll be working outside, so pray that he can adjust to the hot summer temperatures quickly. Also pray for his adjustments to living in the states since this is something new for him.

Missions Team

Here in Ecuador, we are looking forward to the arrival of a team from First Baptist in Newton, Kansas. They are sending a team of 9 to work at a Christian orphanage here in Quito. Scott will also be taking them to several small Quichua churches in Quito. Pray that these churches can be encouraged in their walk with God and to continue reaching out to their communities around them.

Home Assignment

Also, continue to pray for us as we finish up our time in Quito this month and head back to the states for a year of home assignment. We plan on living in Newton, Kansas for the year. We want to see as many of you as possible who support us both with prayers and finances. We still have a lot to do before we travel, so please pray for strength as we finish up.