Thursday, December 5, 2024

Fill my cup, please


What does a cup teach us about Jesus? One of the things I do in my Hebrew classes is to present studies on my students' vocabulary words. We sometimes look at how a single word is used in the Bible and observe how it supports the theology taught by the biblical authors. Recently we looked at the word for "cup."

"Cup" is often used to refer metaphorically to one's destiny in life. In the story of Joseph, both he and Pharaoh had special cups that spoke of their important position. Joseph's brothers and Pharaoh's cupbearer each found themselves at a crucial crossroads as a result of their interaction with these cups. (Genesis 40-44)

The symbolism goes deeper in other verses where we are told that "Yahweh is the portion of my inheritance and my cup" (Psalm 16:5 LSB) and "Fire and brimstone and burning wind will be the portion of their cup" (Psalm 11:6 LSB). God controls our destiny, whether positively or negatively. He even uses his cup to make the wicked drunk with his judgment:
          Awaken yourself! Awaken yourself! Arise, O Jerusalem,
          You who have drunk from the hand of Yahweh the cup of His wrath;
          The chalice of reeling you have drained to the dregs.
(Isaiah 51:17 LSB)
These and similar verses are all in the mind of Jesus when he asks the Father to take his cup from him (Matthew 26:39). But because Jesus was willing to drink the cup of God's wrath, God offers to remove from us his cup of wrath (Isaiah 51:22; Revelation 16:1) and replace it with a cup of blessing (Psalm 23:5; 116:13). Our cup of salvation would not be possible without the work of our Savior.

I'm very happy with the advances of those of my students who are working hard to learn Hebrew and see Jesus in all of the Bible. Even those who get tired and decide to quit get a good introduction to the language and a better understanding of how the scriptures all fit together.
Our celebration of Christmas gets richer every year as we grow in our understanding of all Jesus is and does. My students are going to get a break in their studies for much of December and the first part of January. Kristi and I are going to the States to spend some time with our kids and grandchildren. Kristi will also undergo a minor surgical procedure during our break.

I'm continuing to struggle with digestive issues. I have a tentative diagnosis of Irritable Bowel Syndrome, which apparently can only be diagnosed by ruling everything else out. (It's taken a while, hasn't it?) I've started taking some medication that might prove to be helpful if I indeed have IBS. Unfortunately, it might take weeks or months to be sure, and I may have to experiment with several different medications.

Kristi is going to be very busy at school for the last few days before we leave, combining normal classes with additional activities due to local holidays and Christmas break. Her life is also greatly complicated by one specific student who is manifesting serious behavioral issues. Pray for resolution and growth in this child's life. Above all, pray that he would see his need for exchanging his cup for the one that Jesus is offering him.
We are very, very thankful for each one of you. God is using you to fill our cup with blessings and to fill the cups of our students as well.

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Health Update

Yesterday we were able to have a visit with the oncologist to discuss the results of Scott's MRI. We are glad to report that he is sure that Scott does not have cancer. Thank you for your prayers and your words of encouragement over the past days.

Scott does have a significant-sized cyst on his liver, and the oncologist suggested that we consult with a hepatologist. So that will be our next step to determine if this could be the cause for the digestive issues that he is having. We would appreciate your continued prayers that his digestion could return to normal.

In the meantime, Scott is taking a trip to Guayaquil tomorrow. He will spend a couple of days giving a theology conference in a church there. Pray for good ministry opportunities and for safety in a part of the country that involves risks that are a little higher.

We appreciate you and your part in our ministry!

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Scott's Health

Yesterday we saw an oncologist to consider whether Scott might be dealing with cancer. He does have a tumor on his liver, but so far exams haven't been sufficient to establish whether it's malignant or benign. We have an MRI scheduled for Friday and another consultation with the doctor on Monday. There is a possibility he will also need to do a biopsy.

If the tumor is cancerous it would explain the stomach issues that Scott has had for the last few months. Nevertheless, bloodwork has shown normal liver function.

At this point there is a lot we don't know. We can't be sure that he has cancer, nor can we be confident that he isn't dealing with something serious. Either way, God is good and has been giving us peace.

We appreciate your prayers that God would help us figure out what's wrong, help us find the best solution possible, and continue to give us peace and wisdom in the process.

So far we are confident that Scott is receiving good medical care in Ecuador. If things begin to get more complicated we will not hesitate to return to the US for more advanced care.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

This is the day the Lord has made!


I have this verse posted outside of my classroom this year and it is a daily reminder to me that each day is the Lord’s and because of that we can rejoice in it! We can rejoice even in the days when things are difficult and know that even the hard days are days the Lord has made!
Ecuador has been in a severe drought, the worst drought in the past 60 years! Most of the electricity in the country of Ecuador comes from hydroelectric plants and in all of those reservoirs the water levels are very low. We are beginning our 3rd week of rolling blackouts. The first week we only had electricity for 12 hours a day. Thankfully, we have been having nearly daily rains for the past week so this week we are only losing power for 4 hours a day, from 2:00-4:00 AM and 8:00-10:00 PM. Last spring we had some electricity cuts and made the decision to buy a small generator. So it is getting used again these days. It is enough power to keep our refrigerator cold, keep the internet on, and be able to use a couple of lamps during the evening hours. We rejoice in the rains God is sending our way and for the electricity we do have!
Ecuador imposing overnight blackouts as drought saps hydroelectric power capacity
Ecuador Is Literally Powerless in the Face of Drought
Also because of the drought, we have had some severe wildfires close by. A couple of weeks ago, Quito was covered by smoke, and school was canceled for 3 days. Well, actually we met online. Many people had to evacuate and some lost their homes in the fires. We rejoice that God provided safety for us!
Ecuador battles wildfires near capital as drought grips South America
Scott started a new Hebrew class 2 weeks ago with about 40 students. Opportunities to reach people from all over continue to increase. He now has Spanish speakers connecting to his classes from 15 different countries. Scott is able to continue his studies and preparations for class even when the electricity is out because of the generator. In fact this evening he is teaching class using the generator. The blackouts keep some of his students from being able to always join class and makes it difficult for some of them to have enough time online to do their homeworks, but creativity and extra patience go a long way to help them achieve success.
Kristi’s school year continues on. The school also has a large generator, enough for teachers to use internet, projectors and have lights on during the day. This year in some ways is going better for Kristi but she has 1 student who is very difficult. Please pray that this student would awaken a desire to make changes in their life, and allow others to love and help them. Pray that Kristi remains consistent and loving toward this student in particular. We rejoice that God is with Kristi through the hard parts of her day with this student!
Scott continues struggling with his health. There are many days when he is not able to eat very much. He has tried many different kinds of medications and now is going through quite a few other tests trying to find an answer. His primary care doctor is sending him on to a specialist and he has an appointment with this new doctor next Monday morning. Please pray that we can find answers! In the meantime we rejoice in the day the Lord has given us and trust him with Scott’s health!
We are so thankful for each one of you and your faithful support for us through the years! We are thankful for your prayers for us! They make a difference! Looking back at the past month, we have faced a lot of difficult situations, but God has been with us and because of Him it has been a good month and we rejoice in it!

Saturday, August 17, 2024

A Crazy Wonderful Summer

We are back in Quito after a whirlwind of a summer.  We drove over 5,000 miles, visited 9 states and 2 countries, and slept in 13 different beds. It really was a wonderful summer as we got to see each of our children and granddaughters, parents, and some of our sisters and families, as well as visit several of our supporting churches and individual supporters. Thank you to each of you who hosted us and encouraged us in many ways during these 7 weeks! Here are some of the highlights!

  • God’s provision of a reliable car
  • Sharing about our teaching ministries
  • Time with our 2 granddaughters (and their parents) in California
  • Celebrating our 35th wedding anniversary
  • A summer job for Lindsey in a physical therapy office in Kansas allowing us to spend some quality time with her
  • So much encouragement from the supporters we were able to visit
  • Time with Joel and Jaden including helping them put siding on a backyard shed
  • A trip to the Dominican Republic to celebrate a 2nd wedding for Luke and Chase in the country where she grew up
Kristi is back to teacher meetings at school. She is expecting 24 sixth grade students starting the middle of next week. Pray that God gives her energy and lots of love for this new group of students.

Scott is getting ready to start a new Biblical Hebrew class before the end of September. He has lots of interest once again so pray that each of the new students will follow through by faithfully doing their studies. This week he resumed meetings with his other 3 Hebrew classes. Pray that his students return energized after a long break and ready to learn again. Also pray for Scott as he is busy once again creating lessons, grading and helping his students. 
Another prayer request is for Scott’s health. He has dealt with stomach issues for many years, but this past spring it got so bad that he could barely eat and was losing weight. He went through a treatment of 2 antibiotics as well as different acid reducers, etc. and got better for a short time but then was struggling again. He just finished up another 2 antibiotics. He is slowly feeling more normal but still super careful about what he eats. Please pray for a complete healing for Scott and that he can gain some weight back as well.

We would also ask you to pray for Joel and Jaden. They feel called by God to foster to adopt an older child. They have been working on it since last December when they met a couple of teen sisters. Unfortunately, that fell through in June. They are now waiting and looking for another child. Pray for God’s guidance for them and for the right child to be placed with them!
This week marked 22 years of living and working in Ecuador! It brings back memories of arriving with 3 young boys! We are so thankful for God’s faithfulness through the years! He has used many of you to make it possible for us to be able to be here in Ecuador and we are so thankful for each of you, your interest, prayer and financial support!
We celebrated a special 4-year birthday!

Monday, April 8, 2024

God-given Unity


We’ve been thinking about unity a lot lately, related to both ministry life as well as family activities.

In March we made a quick trip to Chicago for the wedding of our son, Luke, and Chase Trautwein. Chase is also a missionary kid from the Dominican Republic, has a heart for people and loves adventure. The wedding was beautiful and we had some great highlights: having the entire family together including several extended family members, time with our 2 granddaughters and even getting to be present when Lissie first started walking.

We had an amazing time celebrating Luke and Chase! We are thankful to God for another daughter-in-law added to our family. Luke and Chase are living in New Hampshire. Luke is working at a facility for foster children and gets to take small groups out on fun adventures. Chase is working as an ER nurse.
Please pray for them as they begin their new unified adventure together!
Scott stays busy teaching 3 classes of Hebrew a week. In one class he has students united from three separate continents! They are connecting for class from Mexico, Guatemala, Venezuela, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Italy, and Ecuador each week. Learning Hebrew seems to be the new thing to do. Unfortunately, we have seen people in Ecuador who use Hebrew to make the Bible say what they want it to say, so we believe it is important for some faithful Christians to learn Hebrew and be able to defend true doctrine. Scott’s most advanced group has been studying for around 3 years and are able to understand many things as they read in their Hebrew Bibles.
Working with the Ecuadorian Quichua church continues to be another of Scott’s responsibilities. Through the years we have often seen a lack of unity among the many groups of Quichua churches. One of these groups recently received papers from the government recognizing them as an approved organization of churches. Thankfully, they are a group which is biblically sound. Please pray with us that others will join this organization and that God would produce supernatural unity between them.
We recently met a man named David at our church. He is a Jew who is learning to know Jesus. He and Scott have begun to meet together as he wants to learn more about Jesus. They have been talking together about how the two testaments fit together with one important and unified message. Pray for Scott and David to have productive conversations.

The war in Ecuador against organized crime continues, but it doesn’t affect our daily lives very much. There are parts of the country where we should not go, so we are being a little more careful than normal in that respect. It seems like just about every day new criminals are being captured. Sadly, sometimes they are also freed later when the judicial branch of the government says there is not enough evidence to hold them. This happens even when there is general consensus that they are guilty. And yet, we recognize that is the price to be paid for living in a country that cares about protecting the innocent, which we all know is important. Please pray that law abiding citizens and honest government officials will band together in unity to defeat the rampant evil forces in this nation. Here's one brief article among many options you could read if you want more information:
Thanks for uniting with us to help make a difference in Ecuador and even beyond!

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Violence in Ecuador

Over recent months, and even for the last few years, tensions in Ecuador have been rising. We keep reaching new levels of violence, and last week was another unfortunate intensification in that regard. Maybe you heard something on the news. There were prison escapees, an attack on a television station that was broadcast live, doctors held hostage in a hospital, policemen killed, and more. We are concerned of course, but we are not in any immediate danger.
Although the tensions are high all over the country, Guayaquil remains the center of the conflict. To resolve the problem the president declared an "internal armed conflict", which basically means Ecuador has declared war on the dangerous elements within its borders. He named 22 different terrorist groups (read: gangs / organized crime / mafia / drug cartels) that are enemies of the state. The military has free reign to "neutralize" them.
The root of the problem centers around the drug cartels who are competing for territory in Ecuador and seeking to maintain drug routes from Colombia and Peru through this country to the US and Europe. Instead of serving as correctional facilities, the prisons are simply the center of the cartels' activity. About a fourth of Ecuador's 36 prisons are controlled by the inmates. That means they have the keys to their own cells, organize nationwide crime, conduct businesses, pay rent for better cells, or for having a bed, etc. The government is seeking to solve these problems, and that produces a backlash on the part of the drug cartels. Because the delinquents have the full backing of the international narcotics "industry" the solutions are not quick fixes. Ecuador will be struggling with this problem for months and potentially years to come. So far it has been slowly escalating and we don't know when the tide will begin to change. Thankfully, Argentina, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia and the United States are all increasing their support for the situation. Please pray for wisdom for all those who are involved in working to restore Ecuador to a land of peace and justice.

All schools have been closed due to the violence, so Kristi has been teaching online for over a week. This will continue at least until the end of this week. Beyond that, everything is uncertain. Please pray for Kristi and her students to adjust to the realities they are faced with. It’s kind of like living through Pandemic 2.0 and not too many of them are excited about it. As you know, online education sometimes decreases the posibility for truly positive learning opportunities. Pray for a soon return to the classroom. Also, pray for creativity and providential resourcefulness for Kristi with the challenging learning environment.
Scott’s dad is adjusting well to his new living arrangements. He really enjoys his assisted living apartment and is glad for having made the change. He is also making good progress with his health. Please pray for continued adjustment in these areas.
We had a great time with family over Christmas vacation. We gathered for a week in Arkansas with all our kids and grandkids!
We are now full of anticipation for Luke and Chase’s wedding coming up in March. Our next trip will be to celebrate their marriage in Chicago!