Saturday, August 17, 2024

A Crazy Wonderful Summer

We are back in Quito after a whirlwind of a summer.  We drove over 5,000 miles, visited 9 states and 2 countries, and slept in 13 different beds. It really was a wonderful summer as we got to see each of our children and granddaughters, parents, and some of our sisters and families, as well as visit several of our supporting churches and individual supporters. Thank you to each of you who hosted us and encouraged us in many ways during these 7 weeks! Here are some of the highlights!

  • God’s provision of a reliable car
  • Sharing about our teaching ministries
  • Time with our 2 granddaughters (and their parents) in California
  • Celebrating our 35th wedding anniversary
  • A summer job for Lindsey in a physical therapy office in Kansas allowing us to spend some quality time with her
  • So much encouragement from the supporters we were able to visit
  • Time with Joel and Jaden including helping them put siding on a backyard shed
  • A trip to the Dominican Republic to celebrate a 2nd wedding for Luke and Chase in the country where she grew up
Kristi is back to teacher meetings at school. She is expecting 24 sixth grade students starting the middle of next week. Pray that God gives her energy and lots of love for this new group of students.

Scott is getting ready to start a new Biblical Hebrew class before the end of September. He has lots of interest once again so pray that each of the new students will follow through by faithfully doing their studies. This week he resumed meetings with his other 3 Hebrew classes. Pray that his students return energized after a long break and ready to learn again. Also pray for Scott as he is busy once again creating lessons, grading and helping his students. 
Another prayer request is for Scott’s health. He has dealt with stomach issues for many years, but this past spring it got so bad that he could barely eat and was losing weight. He went through a treatment of 2 antibiotics as well as different acid reducers, etc. and got better for a short time but then was struggling again. He just finished up another 2 antibiotics. He is slowly feeling more normal but still super careful about what he eats. Please pray for a complete healing for Scott and that he can gain some weight back as well.

We would also ask you to pray for Joel and Jaden. They feel called by God to foster to adopt an older child. They have been working on it since last December when they met a couple of teen sisters. Unfortunately, that fell through in June. They are now waiting and looking for another child. Pray for God’s guidance for them and for the right child to be placed with them!
This week marked 22 years of living and working in Ecuador! It brings back memories of arriving with 3 young boys! We are so thankful for God’s faithfulness through the years! He has used many of you to make it possible for us to be able to be here in Ecuador and we are so thankful for each of you, your interest, prayer and financial support!
We celebrated a special 4-year birthday!