Wednesday, April 6, 2011


So much has happened since we last wrote to all of you. The mission property is sold. An insurance company bought all of it and has plans on tearing down the buildings and building a large new building. The papers are signed and they will take possession July 5th.

So we spent much of March looking for a house to rent. It was rather discouraging at times but Saturday Scott bought a newspaper and we went to look at a house that was advertised and loved it.

The owner didn't want to wait till May and asked us to start paying rent by the 10th, less than a week from now. The house is mostly ready to just move into. Scott will be painting the walls in the kitchen and will work on that this week. Then the following week we will start moving things in. We feel mixed emotions as our home for the past nearly 9 years is going to be torn down, but are excited for the house God has provided for us.

View from the Backyard

March also was a time of celebrating the work God has done here in Ecuador. About 50 former missionaries to Ecuador as well as several from the Avant home office were able to join us for these celebrations. It truly was a great time as we heard testimonies of lives changed through the years. It also was a time of encouraging the church to continue on. Personally we were encouraged with the time of fellowship with some former colleagues whom we hadn't seen in a long time. Here are links to two videos of the celebrations that were held in Quito and in Colta.

Pray for us to have wisdom for our work during this transitional period as 115 years of missionary presence in Ecuador winds down.

Another change we are anticipating is that Kristi will begin working at Alliance Academy International in the next school year. She still is waiting to hear the final word but is being considered for a teacher's aid job in one of the elementary classrooms. In the past we have always had help with tuition from Avant teachers working at the school, but that is no longer happening. So Kristi working at the school will be a way to make it possible for our kids to continue attending AAI.

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