We are thankful for the 8 weeks we were able to be back in the US this summer. Here are some of the the things we will remember from our summer:
- Getting to spend these weeks with David. He stayed busy painting and took 2 classes at a local junior college.
- Being able to care for Kristi's mom following her knee surgery. We are always thankful for the room she has for us and for her putting up with all the extra noise, etc.
- Being able to visit nearly all of our family. The kids e
njoyed some fun times with cousins. - Joel was able to join the youth group from our home church and go to Denver on a missions trip. They were able to do a VBS for some inner city kids and some work projects at a World Impact camp.
- Luke was able to attend a basketball camp with his cousin. The camp was put on by a former Jayhawk player, Wayne Simeon, who is a Christian.
- A record setting hot summer with nearly every day being over 100 degrees.
- Being able to visit many of our supporting churches and individual supporters and share about our work in Ecuador. And it always is such an encouragement to us being able to spend time with you our family, friends and supporters.
We have now been back in Quito for almost 3 weeks. It is good to be home again. On the way home from the airport, Luke commented how good it was to be back home in Quito with the busy stop and go of traffic. We don't all enjoy that but it is good to have our spring like weather back. It is also good to be back with friends here. And it is good to be getting back into a routine again.
It is a new routine for us. Kristi is working full time at Alliance Academy this year. She is working as a teacher's aide in 6th grade. She has enjoyed her first two weeks of work, even thought it is a new challenge after being home with the kids the past 19 years. Pray for her as she tries to get everything done at home and also as she works in the classroom.

Lindsey is in 1st grade this year. She is reading more and more. Luke is in 6th grade and gets to be in the classroom with his mom part of the day. Joel is a Junior. Pray for him as the homework can get a bit heavy at times. David also is back at Wheaton for his 2nd year. He is getting a start to some of his engineering classes.
One of the biggest issues we are facing here in Quito is the sale of mission property. The guesthouse has been sold but hasn't been turned over to the new owners yet, because of some legal issues we are working through. To make a long story short, our mission needs to be registered with a new government agency before we can renew the registration of the Executive Board and then deal with the Land Titles Office. Meanwhile, the sale of our other property with the office building and apartments fell through. We are the only Avant missionaries in Quito for 2 months, so for now Scott is the one working through these issues and maintaining the properties.
Peniel Seminary is beginning a new year of classes the end of this week. Scott will not be teaching for now because of his responsibilities in Quito. Nevertheless, continue to pray for growth for the students and further development of the seminary program.
Pray for Scott as he prepares a one-day conference on October 4 in San Bernardo concerning biblical doctrine.
We received some difficult news just over a month ago regarding our brother-in-law, Dan Penner (Scott's sister's husband). He has liver cancer and things are looking very serious for him. He will soon begin chemotherapy and radiation treatments, hopefully followed by a liver transplant. Please pray for his health and for strength for Cheryl and their four children, ages 5 to 15.
Praise the Lord for a good summer in the US.
Praise the Lord for our return home to a normal routine.
Praise the Lord for Kristi's teacher's aide position.
Pray for adjustment to her new responsibilities.
Pray for each of the kids in their educational needs.
Pray for Scott as he maintains the Quito properties.
Pray for legal issues to be resolved in the sale of property.
Pray for the new school year at Peniel Seminary.
Pray for Scott's conference on Oct. 4.
Pray for health for Dan Penner and strength for his family.
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