Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Wonderful Deeds!

 I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart;

I will tell of all your WONDERFUL DEEDS.

Psalm 9:1

We want to give thanks to the Lord and tell you some of the WONDERFUL DEEDS he has done for us.

God has put you into our lives! We are so thankful for each of you and your faithful prayers, support, love and encouragement through the past year. Through you, God has provided above and beyond financially, the provision of a second car, and the gift of your prayers and friendship. Thank you so much!

God in his unique way has allowed Scott to continue teaching Ecuadorians from the United States. Scott continues teaching Biblical Hebrew three evenings a week and totally loves what he is doing. His classes on Monday and Wednesday nights are small groups but they are making some good progress in being able to read and understand. 

He started a new class a month ago on Thursday nights and has 29 students. These students come from Ecuador, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Peru and Mexico.

God has also allowed me (Kristi) to continue teaching for EduKasa, a homeschool group from Ecuador. The pandemic has made the economic situation in Ecuador very difficult for many families. A year ago a group of families who were not able to afford keeping their children at Alliance Academy formed EduKasa. This year we have about 45 students. The parents chose the Abeka curriculum, a Christian curriculum in English. The children know English but most of their parents do not, so that is where I fit in. Abeka provides videos for each subject each day. This year I am working with nine 4th graders throughout the morning. I meet with the entire group for two 30-minute sessions each morning. We practice what they are learning and I make sure they are understanding, we review for tests or quizzes, read outloud, and just come together as a class. I also meet with each student individually twice a week. I also grade their work, answer lots of questions, and just make sure they are doing what they need to do. I miss the in-person classroom, but love my nine students and the chance to meet with them daily.

We are so thankful for all God has provided for Lindsey. We are thankful for her Christian school and her teachers. She is so glad to be back in person this year. God has provided her an amazing group of friends who even kept up with her while she was back in Ecuador. Now she is looking forward to finally playing basketball again. She was only able to play part of the season her freshman year and none her sophomore year. 

We are so thankful for how God has provided for Joel and Jaden in their first months of marriage. God provided Joel a job as a coffee machine technician. He works at fixing and maintaining coffee machines in coffee shops. It has been so good to have Joel and Jaden close by these past months but this last weekend we helped them move to Rogers, Arkansas. His company needed a technician in that area and Jaden continues working her same job online. They are looking forward to finding a new home church and making new friends.

These are just some of the wonderful deeds God has done for us. What wonderful deeds has God done for you? Write to us and let us know. 

Monday, August 30, 2021

Creative Tools for Remote Learning

 We had a wonderful summer and enjoyed some vacation time in California with David, Shelby and Evelyn. We especially enjoyed celebrating Evelyn’s 1st birthday with her.

We also were able to stand beneath the tall, majestic sequoia trees...

and look out over the Grand Canyon.

We arrived back home tired of driving but in awe of God’s amazing creation.

Lindsey is back to school and glad to be back in person instead of online. She is starting her junior year. We all are adjusting to having her gone during the day again. Kristi is looking forward to the Ecuador homeschool group beginning on September 7th. She will be moving up with her students to 4th grade.

Scott continues teaching online from Kansas to Ecuador. He just adjusted his classes, combining some so he will be able to start a new class. Pray for details to come together soon regarding the new class. Pray also for his students to remain faithful in their studies. In the advanced group, one of the students, Maria, volunteered to lead a practice time of reading the Hebrew text with the class.

One of the questions Scott gets is how it is possible to teach from Kansas to Ecuador. In the past Scott has tried to teach a Greek class packed into a couple of weekends. Since it was outside of the city of Quito, Scott had to travel several hours to get there. Well, anyone who has studied a new language knows that cramming a bunch of hours into a weekend is not an effective way to learn it. So when Covid began some of the tools for remote learning proved to be valuable. For example, Scott was able to begin meeting once a week with his classes via Zoom.

Yes, the internet availability and the learning curve of new technology has been a challenge for some of his students who live outside of the city and in rural areas or in small villages. But with help, they have been able to learn how to join class on Zoom and how to hand in their homework on Google Classroom.

Another app that has been a huge help is WhatsApp. This app is completely free and everyone living in Ecuador uses it. Scott is able to communicate with his students by phone, video chat or enhanced messaging to help them with questions. The face to face contact is missing but in many other ways it is a great way for Scott to teach.

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

A Move and Hitting the Road

 A few days ago we moved to Elbing! This is the town where Berean Academy is and where Lindsey will be attending classes in the fall. The school recently renovated a house on their property and is offering it to missionary families. We are so thankful for this opportunity to live close to the school! It is strange but wonderful to connect with people all over Ecuador from a small town of about 300 people in the heart of the American plains. We feel like we get to enjoy the best of two worlds all at once!

Kristi finished her school year last week and is happy for a summer break. In September she will resume her teaching ministry from our home in Elbing. Scott is still teaching Hebrew three times a week. Some of his students have dropped out, but most of those who remain are committed to work hard to learn the material. That's enough to encourage the heart of any teacher! Lindsey has her first official summer job working as a carhop at Sonic. We are proud of her and how she is learning responsibility and commitment.

Thank you for praying for someone to stay in our home in Quito. One of our friends there became aware of the opportunity, and she will be living in our home and paying for part of our rent. She is also willing to share the apartment with others, so please continue to remember this request in your prayers.

We will be traveling to Colorado and California for the next 3 weeks, spending some time to visit family and ministry partners. Pray for a good time and safety on the road.

Pray for Ecuador to continue to move toward recovery from the realities of the pandemic, and pray for God's timing regarding our return to do our ministry in person.

Friday, June 4, 2021

Growing Family and Shifting Plans

On May 23rd we welcomed a new daughter into our family! We are thankful for the way God brought Joel and Jaden together and for being able to celebrate along with them. Just as they shared their vows to each other in a gentle rain, we pray for God’s kind blessings to fall on their new marriage together.

That same weekend, Luke graduated from John Brown University with a major in Outdoor Leadership. He has taken a full time job working at Meramec Adventure Ranch in Missouri. They work with foster children, most of whom come from really tough backgrounds. Pray that Luke has many opportunities to love on these kids and share God’s love with them.

We are thankful we had the wedding weekend with all of our family. We enjoyed seeing our sweet granddaughter again. She is 10 months old and full of smiles and laughs.

Currently Scott is teaching 3 Hebrew classes: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday evenings. The Thursday evening class has been studying with him for 6 months now and these students are making some good progress. The other 2 classes just started in May.  One of his more advanced students asked Scott whether he might be ready to begin teaching Hebrew to others. As it turns out, Segundo has joined Scott as an assistant teacher in one of his new classes. He has become so convinced about the importance of Hebrew that he recruited several additional students to begin the study. It is great to see people like him catch the vision and help multiply our ministry!

Kristi and Lindsey are getting close to finishing up their school years. Lindsey will have very little left after this week and Kristi will finish classes on June 16. They have both been completely online since March of 2020.

April and May were difficult months for Ecuador as the hospitals were full of Covid patients and many people were put on waiting lists, not being able to get the help they needed. Vaccines have been slow to arrive in Ecuador. For several weekends in April and May, there were more restrictions again, forcing everyone to remain at home in the evenings and for the entire weekend. You can read more from these articles in English:



or this article in Spanish:

El Universo

Beginning in the fall, Alliance Academy is expected to continue online with only a possibility of having 2 days a week in school. Because of this we have made the decision to enroll Lindsey in school in Kansas for the coming fall. Scott and I will continue teaching our classes online from Kansas, something that wasn’t possible before the pandemic. Lindsey has done amazing with online school, but she is going to be a junior and we feel it is best for her to be back in school in person and able to participate in extracurricular activities again.

We’ll continue to monitor the situation in Ecuador and seek God’s timing for our return date. Meanwhile we would like to find someone who could occupy our apartment in Quito and pay at least some of our cost for the rent. Please pray with us for wisdom and provision.

Monday, April 12, 2021

A New President and a New Setting

Yesterday we had the privilege of participating in a nationwide election in Ecuador. Guillermo Lasso was chosen as our new president.

Mabel Velástegui, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

You can read a good article from BBC News about the political context of the election:


This morning Andres Carrera, pastor of a Christian and Missionary Alliance Church in Guayaquil, had an opportunity to pray with the president-elect.

See the Facebook post here:


President-elect Lasso will take office at a time characterized by many difficult issues; please pray with us that God would use this man for his purposes in Ecuador.

Ecuador is advancing very slowly with its Covid vaccination program. According to Quito's primary newspaper, only an average of 2 doses of the vaccine have been administered for every 100 people in Ecuador. That ranks Ecuador in 36th place out of 49 countries in the Americas. Read the article from El Comercio:


We will be traveling to the US on May 1. Pray for our preparations in the next couple of weeks. We'll be getting our apartment ready for some friends to temporarily occupy it, and there are many other little details to take care of.

We're looking forward to celebrating Joel and Jaden's wedding on May 23. Pray for them as they plan the event and prepare to start their new life together.

Friday, February 26, 2021

Wedding, Ordainment and Classes

Warm greetings from the Equator! A lot of our friends have told us how cold the winter has been this year! We hope you're finding ways to stay comfortable. If not, maybe you at least have hope for changing weather around the corner.

Kristi was in Kansas during part of the cold spell. She went for three weeks to help her mom with recovery after experiencing some serious heart issues. Della is doing much better now, but she would still appreciate your prayers as doctors consider what else needs to be done for her.

We're excited to share with you that Joel is engaged to be married to Jaden Lavender on May 23! We will travel to Kansas at the beginning of May and are looking forward to celebrating their new life together.

Since so much of our ministry happens online these days, we will continue to stay connected with our various responsibilities in Ecuador from the US. Lindsey will also continue to attend her classes via Zoom until her semester ends at the end of June.

One of Scott's students was ordained as a pastor last Sunday. Scott had the privilege of sharing the message at his ordination service. It was a joy for him to see Juan taking this step of commitment to even deeper ministry. Pray for Juan to be a useful tool in the hands of his Master.

Juan was honored to receive sheep to "pastor."

In Spanish, "pastor" also means "shepherd."

These sheep symbolize his congregation.

You can watch the ordainment service on Facebook if you're interested.

It's split into two parts.

Ordainment Service Part 1

Ordainment Service Part 2

Thank you for your prayers for us and for people like Juan who are making an impact on the country of Ecuador.

Friday, January 22, 2021

Snow, Surf and School!

 Happy New Year! We enjoyed a wonderful holiday season.

Luke was able to come before Christmas and spend about 3 weeks with us. He brought along his 2 roommates for part of that time. We enjoyed a weekend trip out of town. Also Luke and Scott climbed Cotopaxi, a 19,000 ft glacier-covered active volcano.

Joel and his girlfriend, Jaden, came for Christmas and spent 2 weeks with us. We enjoyed getting to know Jaden and a week at the beach together. 

After having a house full of activity for a month, things have quieted down again and we were getting back into our normal schedule when we received a late night phone call that Kristi’s mom had been found unconscious. Thankfully she had been on the phone with Kristi’s sister and Joel was at home as well. They were able to get her help quickly. The next day she had a heart pacemaker put in surgically. She was put on several new medicines that have made recovery more challenging. But she is slowly improving little by little. Kristi is traveling to Kansas tomorrow and will be spending some time with her just to make sure she is fully recovered and ready to live on her own again.

Lindsey is finishing up her 1st semester next week, then will have a week off of school. It is sounding like the rest of her school year will stay online. 

Kristi will finish up her 1st semester in 2½ weeks. Thankfully she will be able to do that from Kansas as easily as from Quito. Continue praying for her student’s family who is going through a divorce. The mother is planning on getting remarried and the 2 kids may be moving in with their father instead.

Scott continues teaching 6 nights a week online. It is getting to be too much to keep up with, so he is hoping to soon get a break from a couple of his classes. 

We learned that the first Ecuadorian received a covid vaccine yesterday. We continue with restrictions of only being able to drive 4 days a week and having to wear a mask whenever out of the house. Like everyone else we look forward to coming changes. In the meantime, we are amazed by the opportunities for ministry that we have, even from home. Thank you for your continued prayers for us.