I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart;
I will tell of all your WONDERFUL DEEDS.
Psalm 9:1
We want to give thanks to the Lord and tell you some of the WONDERFUL DEEDS he has done for us.
God has put you into our lives! We are so thankful for each of you and your faithful prayers, support, love and encouragement through the past year. Through you, God has provided above and beyond financially, the provision of a second car, and the gift of your prayers and friendship. Thank you so much!
God in his unique way has allowed Scott to continue teaching Ecuadorians from the United States. Scott continues teaching Biblical Hebrew three evenings a week and totally loves what he is doing. His classes on Monday and Wednesday nights are small groups but they are making some good progress in being able to read and understand.
He started a new class a month ago on Thursday nights and has 29 students. These students come from Ecuador, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Peru and Mexico.
God has also allowed me (Kristi) to continue teaching for EduKasa, a homeschool group from Ecuador. The pandemic has made the economic situation in Ecuador very difficult for many families. A year ago a group of families who were not able to afford keeping their children at Alliance Academy formed EduKasa. This year we have about 45 students. The parents chose the Abeka curriculum, a Christian curriculum in English. The children know English but most of their parents do not, so that is where I fit in. Abeka provides videos for each subject each day. This year I am working with nine 4th graders throughout the morning. I meet with the entire group for two 30-minute sessions each morning. We practice what they are learning and I make sure they are understanding, we review for tests or quizzes, read outloud, and just come together as a class. I also meet with each student individually twice a week. I also grade their work, answer lots of questions, and just make sure they are doing what they need to do. I miss the in-person classroom, but love my nine students and the chance to meet with them daily.
We are so thankful for all God has provided for Lindsey. We are thankful for her Christian school and her teachers. She is so glad to be back in person this year. God has provided her an amazing group of friends who even kept up with her while she was back in Ecuador. Now she is looking forward to finally playing basketball again. She was only able to play part of the season her freshman year and none her sophomore year.
We are so thankful for how God has provided for Joel and Jaden in their first months of marriage. God provided Joel a job as a coffee machine technician. He works at fixing and maintaining coffee machines in coffee shops. It has been so good to have Joel and Jaden close by these past months but this last weekend we helped them move to Rogers, Arkansas. His company needed a technician in that area and Jaden continues working her same job online. They are looking forward to finding a new home church and making new friends.
These are just some of the wonderful deeds God has done for us. What wonderful deeds has God done for you? Write to us and let us know.
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