Saturday, May 4, 2019

Friends and Family

"Friends are the family you choose." Jess C. Scott

We have been enjoying the opportunity to connect with so many of our friends while we are back in the US this year. Sometimes we are back for such a short time that we greet one friend and then rush off to see the next. It has been good to be a little more relaxed about it this time around. It’s hard to see everybody, even in a year. Our next couple of months will be especially focused on traveling to see friends that are further away. If it doesn’t work to get together before we head back to Ecuador in July, just know that we appreciate each one of you, and we’re thankful for your part in our ministry.

Lindsey was apprehensive about coming to live in the States for a year. She knew it meant adjusting to a new school and finding new friends. We are thankful, however, that she has had an excellent experience. She loves her school and has wonderful friends! She has had wonderful opportunities to grow in sports and music as well. In fact, it’s gone so well, she’s currently feeling turmoil about going back. Please pray for her to process another difficult transition.

Luke has had a great freshman year at John Brown University. He feels confirmed in his study of Outdoor Leadership and is thriving at college life. In May he will be doing some odd jobs to earn money. Then he will be working as camp counselor at HoneyRock Camp in Wisconsin. Next school year he will be RA in the dorm.

We don’t normally compare ourselves to great missionaries, but here’s a surprising connection. The apostle Paul did manual labor to cover some of the expenses of his mission (2 Thessalonians 3:8; 1 Corinthians 9:12; Acts 18:1-3; 20:33-35; Philippians 4:14-16.) I (Scott) have likewise been able to do some residential painting work to help cover increased expenses for this year. While Joel was visiting us, I taught him a few tricks of the trade. He returned to Spokane and began to look for opportunities to do more painting. He recently started on a crew of painters and is hopeful that he found a job he will enjoy. We are so pleased to see Joel passionate about following Jesus and finding his place in life!

David and Shelby spent the month of February serving at Bach Christian Hospital in Pakistan. Shelby’s nursing skills came in very useful, and David helped design plans for a new sewer system. They are doing a lot of reflection on what the future might hold for them. We are so proud of their passion to touch others’ lives—wherever they are.

In the upcoming weeks we will be spending a lot of time on the road. Pray for smooth travels. Here is a list of the Sundays we have scheduled for speaking in churches:

April 28                 Clinton, Oklahoma
May 5                    Funk, Nebraska
May 12                 Delta, Colorado
June 2                   Kokomo, Indiana
June 9                   Nappanee, Indiana
June 16                 Omaha, Nebraska?
June 23                 Langford, South Dakota
June 30                 Holdrege, Nebraska
July 14                   Newton, Kansas

Thank you for being our friends; we are blessed to have a family so good!